
Strange behavior with reverse proxies.

2 September 2010, 06:54

Hiawatha version: 7.3
Operating System: Debian

If I use Nginx as a reverse proxy for Hiawatha, everything works fine. But if I use Pound with Hiawatha, I get errors. I'll post this question in the pound mailing list as well, but just to be sure that my Hiawatha configuration is fine, I thought of posting it here.

# Hiawatha main configuration file


ConnectionsTotal = 10
ConnectionsPerIP = 5
SystemLogfile = /usr/local/var/log/hiawatha/system.log
GarbageLogfile = /usr/local/var/log/hiawatha/garbage.log

# A binding is where a client can connect to.

Binding {
Port = 5080
Interface =


CGIhandler = /usr/bin/perl:pl
CGIextension = cgi


Hostname =
WebsiteRoot = /var/easyhia
StartFile = index.cgi
AccessLogfile = /var/www/easyhia/log/access.log
ErrorLogfile = /var/www/easyhia/log/error.log
ExecuteCGI = yes

Does this look ok ? (well it works with nginx alright )
Hugo Leisink
2 September 2010, 07:14
The config looks oke. What errors do you get? What do the logfiles say?
2 September 2010, 07:35
I just checked with a different version (actually, two different versions) of Pound, and now its working fine. So, its clearly a Pound issue, will notify the same in their mailing list.

Hiawatha log files don't have anything in them when Pound (apparently) tries to make a connection to Hiawatha, but in Pound I have the following:

daemon.warn: Sep  2 10:02:06 pound: (b7aeeb90) connect_nb: error after getsockopt: Connection refused
daemon.warn: Sep 2 10:02:06 pound: (b7aeeb90) backend connect: Connection refused
daemon.notice: Sep 2 10:02:06 pound: (b7aeeb90) BackEnd dead (killed)
daemon.notice: Sep 2 10:02:06 pound: (b7aeeb90) e503 no back-end "GET / HTTP/1.1" from
daemon.notice: Sep 2 10:02:06 pound: (b7aeeb90) e503 no back-end "GET / HTTP/1.1" from
daemon.notice: Sep 2 10:02:08 pound: (b7aeeb90) e503 no back-end "GET / HTTP/1.1" from
Hugo Leisink
2 September 2010, 08:03
Could it be that Pound sends invalid requests which are blocked by Hiawatha? Check the garbage logfile for blocked requests.
2 September 2010, 08:12
I had already gone all the logs, and Hiawatha did not have a single trace of Pound's activity. Nothing in garbage logfile either.

I have notified the Pound's mailing list as well.
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