
Uploading file via http POST method error

6 September 2010, 11:02

Hiawatha version: 6.9
Operating System: Debian Linux


I am uploading a file to hiawatha server using http POST method. But the file is not uploading completely. I have written a uploader cgi handler and it is running successfully at server side. It seems that hiawatha server is delivering exact no. of characters which in content-length http header but delivering http header as data part also. This is main cause why uploader.cgi is not receiving some last bytes of the file. Packet capture through ethreas is displaying the complete file with http header. Can you please help me why it is happening?

Hugo Leisink
6 September 2010, 11:23
Hiawatha has a default maximum allowed request size of 64 kb. If you are uploading files, you probably want to increase that setting. It's the MaxRequestSize setting in the Binding section.
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