
Setting ServerId gives syntax error

11 September 2010, 22:12
Simply uncommenting the line :
#ServerId = www-data
in hiawatha.conf gave me a syntax error.

Hiawatha version: 7.3
Operating System: Mac OSX 10.6.4 (iMac)

It seems it has something to do with the fact that the user www-data does not exist on my pc. When I changed it to the user I log in with, it worked.
Maybe this is all very obvious (I'm no expert admin ), but the installation manual doesn't state that the ServerId user must exist or be created first.
The "syntax error" message is kinda misleading too...
Hugo Leisink
14 September 2010, 16:17
No offense, but for Unix it's common sense and knowledge that if you want to use a user, that that user should exist.
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