
git repository for source code

Stephen R. van den Berg
1 November 2010, 12:56
Is there an accessible source code repository? Preferably in git.
If not, why not?
Hugo Leisink
1 November 2010, 13:01
No, the source is available in a downloadable tarball. What's the advantage of having a repository?
Stephen R. van den Berg
1 November 2010, 13:08
It allows easier tracking of changes (for yourself, and for others), and it allows for lower overhead for contributor and contributee to manage the process of processing/submitting patches/improvements.

But, judging from your reply, you do not seem to be using source control yourself either. I'd be willing to give you a source repository in git which would date back to 6.13 which seems to be the oldest version still downloadable, and you can use it if you want; if not, I'll use it myself at least (and possibly others that might be interested).
Hugo Leisink
1 November 2010, 13:23
Thanks for the offer, but I'll stick to my own way of developing. I indeed don't use a repository myself.

Despite my efforts to make Hiawatha more known to the world, most people still only know Apache. So, the group of people using Hiawatha is not very big. The amount of people contributing is even zero. And no, not having a repository is not the cause of it. The webserver world is an Apache/IIS-dominated world and nothing is going to change that.
Stephen R. van den Berg
1 November 2010, 16:12
Well, be that as it may, for my own use, and possibly for others, I made available the following git repository:

git clone git://

You're welcome to clone it, and peruse it (or not, if you do not choose to).

With respect to making Hiawatha known to the world, it's a simple matter of constantly pushing in one direction. Eventually you'll get there.
It's not important how many people use your software, what matters is *who* use your software.

With respect to contributions, maybe lack of a repository is not the sole reason, but not having it doesn't help either. I have never used Apache, I never use "default" solutions, I always use best solutions, which means that I've used and contributed to some webservers in the past, but only if they excelled in the purpose they needed to fulfill. Using software for me implicitly means that I start to contribute patches; it is almost impossible that software I use is considered ideal for all intents and purposes I want to use it for without having contributed source patches myself.
This means that the number of Open Source projects I contribute to is very large, which also means that it is impossible for me to contribute to such a large number of projects without source control, which is why I make sure I have access to a git repository for every project I contribute to (which implies that, if the project doesn't have a git repository, I create one).

Anyway, hiawatha has caught my attention, I'll be evaluating it now; both functionality and implementation (source). You might have another fan.
Stephen R. van den Berg
1 November 2010, 16:41
The first contribution is visible in the repository.
Hugo Leisink
1 November 2010, 19:49
I've downloaded the Hiawatha source from your git repository, but I can't find any change.

..., what matters is *who* use your software.

If you have any suggestions about who I should convince to try Hiawatha, let me know.

Good to hear that you are evaluating Hiawatha. Feedback is more than welcome.
3 November 2010, 15:54
Yes, Hiawatha definitely deserves a lot more attention than it receives. I had written a blog post sometime ago on Hiawatha - I think it would be great if people who do use Hiawatha will make it known to others through their forum memberships, signatures, blog posts and other social networking means. Also, if you have a high traffic website, folks can talk to Hugo and get the banner link and put it on your website.

Hiawatha is my favorite server software.
3 November 2010, 16:02
Talking about Git, I have been developing Pritlog as a sole developer too. I recently started using version control systems. I do have Git repository. But, self-hosting Git repository on a shared hosting is not straight forward. Hence I started using Fossil. Its a great SCM created by the person who also created Sqlite. You can see it working on It has an integrated Wiki, Ticket system and much more.

I found that even for a sole developer, versioning it (even if it is on your personal pc) helps to develop faster and undo accidental mistakes.
5 November 2010, 19:19
Hello Stephen R. van den B,

thanks for the Git repo, I already cloned it. Are you going to keep the master branch in sync with the new versions released by Hugo Leisink?
It may be interesting to place the repo to github. This may help to extend the users and contributors base too.

Good introduction to Git and other VCS is the speech Linus Torvalds had at Google:
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