
File path syntax on Windows?

23 November 2010, 17:00

I'm new to Hiawatha but installed it on my Windows 7 computer just the other day. It does what I want, but so far I haven't found the syntax for the configuration files on my windows system.

E.g. I can't create a file called .hiawatha starting with a dot on my windows system. Is the syntax transformed to something else instead? In this .hiawatha file I want to define a password file. According to the syntax I could write

but on the windows system it will turn out something like

and I don't know yet if that will cause trouble? Is there any generic syntax change for the *nix software running on windows with cygwin?


Hiawatha version: 7.4
Operating System: Windows 7
Hugo Leisink
23 November 2010, 20:18
You can use the normal Windows path as you are used to. You can also use Cygwin's path, starting with /cygdrive/c/ for drive C, /cygdrive/d for drive D, and so on.

The fact that you can't create a .hiawatha in Windows is indeed an issue. I will fix this for the next version (the Windows version of .hiawatha will be _hiawatha).

I don't know any trouble with using a Windows path in the configuration file. But if you encouter any, please let me know. Please note that Hiawatha is originally build for Unix. The reason a Windows version is available is because it was easy to do with Cgywin. But because of it's Unix design, you could encouter some issues in the Windows version. Don't use the Windows version for a production server.
Søren Enevoldsen
23 November 2010, 22:36
Is it the actual filename that's the issue or won't Hiawatha work with .hiawatha under Windows?

On my Vista (yeah I know) you can run this in the prompt:
rename configuration.txt .hiawatha

Until it is fixed to use _hiawatha you might find that useful.
Hugo Leisink
23 November 2010, 23:12
If you can create (by renaming) a .hiawatha file, than there shouldn't be a problem. Hiawatha should work just fine with a .hiawatha file under Windows.
24 November 2010, 10:20
Thank you. It seems to work with the rename command.
It can be good to mention in the manual as Windows complains when you try to name it to .anything in the graphical modus.

I would appreciate a search function also for the forum pages. I couldn't automatically find out if this question was already answered.

The /cygdrive/c path probably work, but I can tell for sure. It gives an error in the error log when I use the "wrong" path though. When I use the correct one I don't get any error message but I can neither enter the page, ending up with the wrong password all the time (and escape clearly -> 401).

The strangest thing, is that I could enter the page once, and after that I was asked for the username/password for any subpage I entered and finally even when I got back to the first page (that I could enter once). What do I expect in the access log to verify this? Maybe it still had something to do with the web browser cache?

The password file has Full permissions for everybody.

MY .hiawatha
AccessList = pwd all
PasswordFile = basic:/cygdrive/c/wwwroot/albums/hwpwd
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