
PHP CGI different php process owner

25 December 2010, 11:27
I would like ask you how to make that php process will have owner id equals id of owner unix account.

I don't know if i good understand, but
Did I must start more PHP FastCGI daemons from example php-fcgi.conf, give them different ports, one for unix user.. and then in hiawatha.conf set more thant one FastCGIserver blocks with different FastCGIid
, and then in VirtualHost block use this different FastCGIid for different account?

Hiawatha version: 7.4
Operating System: Ubuntu 10.04
Hugo Leisink
25 December 2010, 14:29
Use the 'WrapUserCGI' option and read the CGI-wrapper HOWTO. Note that using CGI via the CGI-wrapper is slower than using FastCGI.

You could do it via FastCGI, but that means that you have to spawn a PHP FastCGI instance for every user. That's not very memory efficient.
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