
Partial downloading (Range requests)

6 January 2011, 00:53
Hoi Hugo,

I'm now using apache for serving partial downloads (zsync). Is it possible to add this function to hiawatha as well?
I think that all websites with (large) downloads could benefit from this.


ps. I see you use captha these days to prevent form spammers but re-capatha is better against bots + extra functions

Hiawatha version: latest
Operating System: Fortress Linux
6 January 2011, 00:58
Just a test Hugo:

Hugo Leisink
6 January 2011, 08:13
Hiawatha already supports partial downloads (for static files only).

The captcha is only an extra check. The real anti-spam filtering is done by the server. I receive a few hunderd spam messages per day. Only a few message per month get passed this filter. So, there is no need to update it.

And as you can see, this forum is well protected. XSS won't work here
7 January 2011, 03:16
Yes, is see. Very good to know. But what is your opinion about the partial download option?
Hugo Leisink
7 January 2011, 08:36
Well, like I said: Hiawatha already supports partial downloads...
7 January 2011, 23:35
Hi Hugo,

Yes HW supports download continuing but it seem it doesn't work for partitial download requests (Range requests).

More information:
Hugo Leisink
7 January 2011, 23:38
I'll take a look at it. But Range HTTP headers are already implemented.
8 January 2011, 01:02
Thank you Hugo,

This makes it easier for me (and others) to provide ISO and software packages downloads. (Especially if i want to port Fortress Linux to mobile phones and tablets in the future. Bandwidth can be very expensive in some situations.)

I tried to add a test example in the last post, but it was seen as spam, so I've put it on my own website:
Hugo Leisink
8 January 2011, 09:54
I'm away this weekend, so it will be next week I take a look at it.
Hugo Leisink
10 January 2011, 12:55
I've taken a look at it. Hiawatha supports three kind of ranges: XX-XX, XX- and -XX. Multiple ranges (XX-XX,YY-YY,ZZ-ZZ) are not supported.

There was a bug in the -XX range: Hiawatha sends one byte too few. This will be fixed in the next release.
11 January 2011, 16:02
Very good to hear.

Maybe Hiawatha will support multiple ranges in the the future. But unfortunatly I'm stuck with Apache for a while. Atleast they always include the kitchen sink, a build-it-yourself manual and a few important components are always missing or buggy.

Apache is not a kitchen or product of the Ikea.. is it?
Hugo Leisink
11 January 2011, 16:07
Well, their similarity is that a year after installation, things start to become rusty and wonky...
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