
We need Hiawatha - Hiawatha4ever

25 February 2011, 16:01
Hi Hugo,

Please dont close your wonderful project. Hiawatha is the best server of all time. To me it would make no difference if all other webservers would close, but not Hiawatha!
Why do you want to do it?

Greetings, satriani.
Hugo Leisink
25 February 2011, 17:01
I won't stop the project, only thinking about closing the website. I use Hiawatha myself (of cours), so I won't stop working on it. The forum and the weblog attract a lot of spammers. Since I don't get a lot of visitors on this website, I don't see much reason of keeping it online. but, I haven't made up my mind yet.
26 February 2011, 09:33
Hi Hugo,

I love this project very much. I live without it.

In my opinion, the HOWTO, FAQ, User Manual and Forum are a must for your users. I think you can host these functions on or similar.


26 February 2011, 15:26
Yes, I also think so. It is not easy to operate a website but I think is perfect, very informative and visibly. I commend your support anywhere in all forums. You do it very well. I asks the question, and often after a few minutes I get the answer, this can not be better!
I also noticed that the same people always ask questions and need less support, but I know exactly why... because Hiawatha runs perfect, the people have no problems with it. So, your project has succeeded in any case.
I have only one criticism, sometimes there are cases where you say "Hiawatha does not support them." I do not know if you tried desired by people functions in the Hiawatha to introduce, but I think this is very important for the development and competitiveness to other webservers, I have seen cases where people said "I think Hiawatha is very good and would remain in Hiawatha, but without these feature I am unfortunately forced to use a another webserver "
I thought you have the spammers under control.
Attempts to protect your forum with JavaScript, for example. to show captcha with enabled JavaScript only or simply deny access with disabled JavaScript completely. This should help

I have high hopes for your project and wish you great success.
Stephen R. van den Berg
27 February 2011, 21:13
Or allow posting by registered users only. However, i personally prefer à mailinglist instead webfora.
28 February 2011, 21:46
please dont close this project best webserver and i have zeus nginx lighttpd tested and the winner is hiawatha!!
hiawatha need promotion
Hugo Leisink
28 February 2011, 21:59
I've been trying to make Hiawatha known to the world for several years, but the world simply doesn't need another webserver.
1 March 2011, 03:22
I have give a hand on the promotion. They are Samiux's Blog [], Unofficial Ubuntu Hack! [] and Almost Secure and Perfect Ubuntu Server [].

Please don't give up.

4 March 2011, 16:04
Hi Hugo,

actually I stumbled upon Hiawatha by looking for a secure and easy to configure webserver. The first search hit was the last link Samiux posted above (the Nov. '10 version though (; ).

To prevent spam in the forums I'd suggest either enforcing registration (you might get spam here as well) or integrating captchas into the posting form to reduce (spam) input, so you should have to do less moderating.

Regarding Hiawatha's popularity, probably there aren't a lot admins around looking for new webservers, since it would mean changing their well established infrastructure and learning new configuration details (configuring Hiawatha is really easy with the information provided here). Maybe there is a way to get into some default configs of some (mini, vm, web developer, ...) distributions.

For me, my new server and its visitors (only a few people) Hiawatha just fits fine and works like a charm. After fiddling through some details "it just worked"(tm) Your forum/site was and still is the essential resource for me for finding hints on configuration and fixing problems (if they occur and weren't already solved [with your help] (; ).

So much on my positive input. If you can, keep up the great work, you got followers, though they might hide in the shell or somewhere else (;

6 March 2011, 14:18
Hallo Hugo!

I understand your point very well and I do hope you have enough feedback to keep up the brilliant work in whatever form.

I am the curious type of person. I like trying new things, undstanding things. I don't mind reading 'tons' of man pages or manuals. I have been using all sorts of webservers over the years. I started with Apache and continued with Lighttpd, Cherokee, Nginx and finally Hiawatha. IMHO they are all decent webservers, but when it comes to the combination of clean and secure design, documentation, ease of configuration and use, Hiawatha is second to none.
Let us not forget, a webserver should not be the famous kitchen sink, it should be a webserver: secure, functional and reliable.

As history has shown so many times, market shares are a tricky business. People use things they know. People don't like changing things.

Maybe it is a good idea to bundle the Banshee PHP Framework and the Hiawatha Webserver on one website like does with its products. This could have an effect of synergy.

I will use and promote this fine piece of software as long it is there.
I fully respect your decisions though and would like to thank you!
8 March 2011, 01:08
hiawatha isn't only secure - it's much less frightening than other servers if you are unexperienced. Thus, it would be a pitty if it were to go.

a website with some sort of how-to, news, and some contact details are essential to keep it simple and show that the project is alive. however, the forum surely is not necessary if only you provide any way to contact you.

as for popularity: i do not know of any product that has a good cms and a secure webserver integrated into one single offering. why don't you offer for download a ready-made combo of banshee and hiawatha to advertise what you have on offer? it would be much easier to set up and to maintain from a security point of view than e.g. the typical wordpress and apache combo.
8 March 2011, 11:22
Hi Hugo,

to your polls can not be relied on, as this is also spammed, so the results you need not even be taken seriously.
Your web server is the safest in the world, but your website is poorly protected, make your site more secure with registration.
Hugo Leisink
9 March 2011, 16:13
@stephan: I don't agree that combining Hiawatha and Banshee into a single package would be a wise thing. Hiawatha needs compilation, Banshee is just a matter of unpacking. I personally hat it when I download one piece of software and am confronted with another piece of software I didn't ask for.

@Alex: I looked at the poll logs, but it doesn't look like it was spammed. Why do you think this website is poorly protected?
10 March 2011, 16:13
Because you wrote that your site attracts many spammers and generally, eg. almost any idiot can abuse your forum and Captcha alone is not an obstacle. This is my personal opinion.
Hugo Leisink
10 March 2011, 16:23
Well, according to my logfile, about 250 times per day, some idiot tries to post a spam message. Most of them are blocked. Only a few per week manage to get past my spam filter. So, I don't think you can call this forum insecure.

I know that earlier I stated that it's a lot of work to keep the forum spam free. That wasn't quite true. It's more that I find it annoying and not very motivating that, even with only a few spam messages per week, this forum gets more spam messages than serious messages.
12 March 2011, 21:58
I know only that Hiawatha webserver is like an oasis in the desert, all other webservers are simply crap.
And as for your site, I can only say more informative clear and useful, I personally can not imagine. Your whole project is perfect as it is!
By the way, when is version 7.5 out and what's new?
Hugo Leisink
15 March 2011, 09:04
I will release 7.5 soon. It will contain a small new feature and some bugfixes. Nothing big.
19 March 2011, 11:46
Take your time Hugo,
new features sounds very good
I believe that Hiawatha will soon completely replace Apache with all features
That is what makes the potentially new user curious. The people dont dare to descend from the Apache.
23 March 2011, 20:53
Hi Hugo,
I came here from Puppy Linux. The local blog require your webserver and my mind requires it too. I like puppy and i like hiawatha.
Thanks a lot.
Hugo Leisink
23 March 2011, 21:27
Thanks for your feedback. And you're welcome!
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