
c/c++ cgi

18 April 2011, 09:16

Hiawatha version: 7.4
Operating System: debian

Hi, can you please explain how can i configure my C-cgi application. Its a simple cgi application not fast-cgi.

Hugo Leisink
18 April 2011, 09:29
Compile your application, give it the extension .cgi and place it in the webroot directory. The following settings should be present in hiawatha.conf:
CGIextension = cgi

VirtualHost {
ExecuteCGI = yes

That's it.
19 April 2011, 14:03
ok...and what should i write in URL to execute my C-cgi application?
Hugo Leisink
19 April 2011, 15:50
The name of the application. If you compile your application and rename the binary to, for example, app.cgi, you can call that application via Of course, don't forget to copy app.cgi to the webroot of your website.
20 April 2011, 11:45
When i try to execute my C-cgi application, i got an error that is Error - 500, Internal server error while at command line it executes successfully. Help....
Hugo Leisink
20 April 2011, 11:51
What is the output of your CGI application and what does the error logfile say? Is your output CGI-compliant?
20 April 2011, 12:00
Error log file says that "abc.cgi | Permission denied". My CGI application simply takes input parameters from environment variable QUERY_STRING, do some manipulation and show result on standard output using printf.
20 April 2011, 12:22
Also error log file says:
Sat 05 Feb 2011 11:50:13 -0500||/usr/local/var/www/hiawatha/param_parser.cgi|execute CGI: Permission denied
Sat 05 Feb 2011 11:50:13 -0500||/usr/local/var/www/hiawatha/param_parser.cgi|no output
Hugo Leisink
20 April 2011, 13:28
In that case, give your param_parser.cgi the execution bit: chmod 755 param_parser.cgi.

The 'no output' means that your application didn't have any... well... output. Every CGI application should at least print a CGI header. Do you have a line in your application's source code that looks like this?
printf("Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n");
21 April 2011, 07:40 its working...but when i set parameters for wrap cgi i got an error "403-Forbidden". Also error log file says "Mon 07 Feb 2011 08:14:37 -0500||/usr/local/var/www/hiawatha/param_parser.cgi|CGI-wrapper: no valid Wrap found".

My configuration for cgi-wrapper.conf file is
Wrap = wrap_id:/usr/local/var/www/hiawatha:nobody

and for hiawatha.conf is
WrapCGI =wrap_id
CGIwrapper = /home/rahul/hiawatha-7.4/cgi-wrapper

Hugo Leisink
21 April 2011, 08:47
In cgi-wrapper.conf, replace the colons by semicolons:
Wrap = wrap_id ; /usr/local/var/www/hiawatha ; nobody
21 April 2011, 09:13
In cgi-wrapper.conf, i replace the colons by semicolons but the error remains same.
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