
Some technical questions

11 June 2011, 19:08

If Hiawatha caching function is enabled, does Hiawatha store cache in SWAP? I am asking this bc I see swap usage after some time Hiawatha is up, which is I guess OK if this is cache?To give more details.. RAM usage is never above 60M (I only run optimized MySQL and exim-lightweight besides Hiawatha) and swap is around 15-25M

I am considering switching host in couple days/weeks and was wondering if Hiawatha would benefit from more CPU cores? To explain it it's VPS server(s) I am talking about and one host offers 2 cores of CPU while that 'new' one offers 12 of them. I am planing to run Hiawatha on 64bit Debian on server with total of 4GB RAM

Best, Amar

Hiawatha version: 7.5
Operating System: Debian
Hugo Leisink
12 June 2011, 10:32
Hiawatha is not explicitly using swap. It's done by the operating system. It would be weird to use swap, because the whole idea of Hiawatha's caching system is that memory is faster than disk. So, what's the point in reading a file from cached memory stored in the swap partition instead of reading it directly from disk? It wouldn't make it faster.

Hiawatha is a multithreaded application. The more cores you have, the more requests Hiawatha can handle simultaneously. So, yes, Hiawatha benefits from more CPU cores.
14 June 2011, 20:19
Thank you Hugo for your answer,that helped..

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