
Send Timeout error with html5 audio streaming

20 June 2011, 00:08
Hiawatha version: 7.5
Operating System: Debian Lenny


I'm playing around with some .ogg audio files, that are embedded via html5 audio tag in a website. When I use an up-to-date Firefox 4, the file won't play, and I get an error message in the hiawatha error logfile for that virtual host which looks something like:
date|ip|/path_to/file.ogg|send timeout

The problem seems to be in the combination of Hiawatha + Firefox, because
- other browsers work (Opera, Chromium, etc.) without the send timeout error
- Firefox streams embedded .ogg files on other websites without a problem
- I unsuccessfully tried different .ogg files on my Hiawatha server, that work with Firefox on other servers.

I don't know if there are some specific http request options used by Firefox for this kind of audio streaming which Hiawatha maybe doesn't support (just a guess), or if I configured something wrong, or if Firefox is just buggy.

Any hints in which direction to look further?

Kind regards,
20 June 2011, 20:16
Ok, I've found the cause of error. The mimetype for ogg files was missing.

Hugo, would you mind adding
audio/ogg ogg
to mimetype.conf for future releases?

Kind regards,
Hugo Leisink
21 June 2011, 18:44
The "send timeout" error means that a browser has requested a file, Hiawatha is busy sending it, but the client doesn't read it. This could be due to the fact that Hiawatha is sending it faster than the browser is willing to read.

You could play with the SocketSendTimeout or the Throttle option.

I've added the ogg extension to the mimetype configuration file.
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