
Maximum login attempt with basic authentication

20 May 2008, 15:02
Hi Hugo,

how can i limit the number of login attempts with basic authentication?
I want to lock the IP after a number of failed attempts.

The code example in the last question of FAQ has an error.
There is a typo. Should be TimeForRequest not WaitForRequest.

Wrong code
Binding {
MaxRequstSize = 128
MaxKeepAlive = 50
WaitForRequest = 3, 20

ConnectionsPerIP = 10
ReconnectDelay = 5
BanOnMaxPerIP = 15
BanOnFlooding = 10/1:15

Right code
Binding {
MaxRequstSize = 128
MaxKeepAlive = 50
TimeForRequest = 3, 20

ConnectionsPerIP = 10
ReconnectDelay = 5
BanOnMaxPerIP = 15
BanOnFlooding = 10/1:15

I think that also the httpd.conf example file coming with hiawatha has the same typo.
Hugo Leisink
20 May 2008, 15:19
Thanks for informing me about the type. It has been fixed (the httpd.conf is fine btw).

About limiting the numer of login attempts. Currently, it cannot be done. But I will see if I can make it possible. I'll let you know via this topic within a few days. (please, tell me if I forget to do so )
20 May 2008, 16:45
Ok, thanks
Hugo Leisink
22 May 2008, 02:54
I've just implemented the ban-on-wrong-password feature you've requested. It all looks oke, but I'm gonna test it a little more. The next version with this new feature will probably be released soon.

If you send an e-mail to hugo at leisink dot net, then I'll send you a beta-verion of the next release. So you can verify that this is what you want.
23 May 2008, 14:05
Have you already sent mail???
I haven't received anything yet.

My mail address is net dot master at libero dot it.
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