I have used default file configurations with only a change in hiawatha.conf file: ServerRoot = /hiawchroot After that I have make hierarchy directory and executables with 'newroot /usr/local/bin/hiawatha', make directory /hiawchroot/var/{lib,www,log} with perms 755 and I have tried to exec hiawatha in chroot directory /hiawchroot (with perms: drwxrwxrwx. 5 root root 100 10 ott 20.02 hiawchroot and selinux disabled) I have received these warnings:
Hiawatha was compiled with configure options: ./configure --sysconfdir=/etc --mandir=/usr/share/man --localstatedir=/var --enable-chroot
Is there something that I wrong?
Hiawatha version: 7.7 Operating System: Linux Fedora 15
Hugo Leisink
11 October 2011, 16:24
Does the directory /hiawchroot/var/log/hiawatha/ exist?
11 October 2011, 16:48
I have create it with command: mkdir /hiawchroot/var/{lib,www,log}
Hugo Leisink
11 October 2011, 16:53
That command doesn't create the last subdirectory with the name 'hiawatha'. Take a closer look at the error message what directory is needed to store the logfiles.
11 October 2011, 17:06
Sorry but I forgot to write in the topic that the directory was created. I have directory /hiawchroot/var/log/hiawatha but problem remains.
Hugo Leisink
11 October 2011, 19:04
Try changing the block code in hiawatha.c at line 2032 from
I have tested it with basic configuration and work fine
13 October 2011, 12:35
But now... it tell me Forbidden for all cgi files. I have inserted cgi-wrapper in sbin directory with suid permission. I have tried also with printenv.cgi but same result. Line like this example in cgi-wrapper.conf is rigth? Wrap = chroot : /mnt/tests/hiawchroot | /var/www/user ; 1090:1090
Hugo Leisink
13 October 2011, 13:23
What does the error logfile or system logfile say?