
Can't manage to run a php page

23 November 2011, 01:26
Hiawatha version: sorry im new to linux systems, don't know where to look this up
Operating System: MineOs Crux

I'm reading now about 1 week how to configure my hiawatha webserver.
I want to make a php blog but every settings i try ends in 403 forbidden error

Can someone help me please with step by step as i'm realy not so familiar with linux

here's my hiawatha conf:

# Hiawatha main configuration file

ServerId = mc
ConnectionsTotal = 150
ConnectionsPerIP = 10
SystemLogfile = /var/www/logs/hiawatha/system.log
GarbageLogfile = /var/www/logs/hiawatha/garbage.log

# A binding is where a client can connect to.
Binding {
Port = 80
# Interface =
# MaxKeepAlive = 30
# TimeForRequest = 3,20
Binding {
Port = 443
# Interface = ::1
# MaxKeepAlive = 30
# TimeForRequest = 3,20
SSLcertFile = /etc/hiawatha/serverkey.pem

# Deny service to clients who misbehave.
#BanOnGarbage = 300
#BanOnMaxPerIP = 60
#BanOnMaxReqSize = 300
#KickOnBan = yes
#RebanDuringBan = yes

# These settings can be used to run CGI applications. Use the 'php-fcgi'
# tool to start PHP as a FastCGI daemon.
#CGIhandler = /usr/bin/perl:pl
CGIhandler = /usr/bin/php-cgi:php
#CGIhandler = /usr/bin/python:py
#CGIhandler = /usr/bin/ruby:rb
#CGIhandler = /usr/bin/ssi-cgi:shtml
#CGIextension = cgi
CGIextension = php
CGIextension = py
ExecuteCGI = yes

FastCGIserver {
FastCGIid = PHP5
ConnectTo =
Extension = php, php5
SessionTimeout = 30

FastCGIserver {
FastCGIid = Python
ConnectTo =
Extension = py
SessionTimeout = 30

# This URL toolkit rule was made for the Banshee PHP framework, which
# can be downloaded from
#UrlToolkit {
# ToolkitID = banshee
# RequestURI isfile Return
# Match ^/(css|files|images|js)/ Return
# Match ^/(favicon.ico|robots.txt|sitemap.xml)$ Return
# Match .*\?(.*) Rewrite /index.php?$1
# Match .* Rewrite /index.php

# It is wise to use your IP address as the hostname of the default website
# and give it a blank webpage. By doing so, automated webscanners won't find
# your possible vulnerable website.
Hostname =
WebsiteRoot = /var/www/hiawatha
StartFile = index.html
AccessLogfile = /var/www/logs/hiawatha/access.log
ErrorLogfile = /var/www/logs/hiawatha/error.log
#ErrorHandler = 404:/error.cgi
AccessList = allow all
#ShowIndex = yes

# Use a VirtualHost section to declare the websites you want to host.
#VirtualHost {
# Hostname =
# WebsiteRoot = /var/www/hiwatha/blog
# StartFile = index.php
# AccessLogfile = /var/www/blog/log/access.log
# ErrorLogfile = /var/www/blog/log/error.log
# TimeForCGI = 5
# UseFastCGI = PHP5
# UseToolkit = banshee

# You can specify some settings per directory.
Directory {
Path = /var/www/hiawatha/admin
ExecuteCGI = yes
TimeForCGI = 300
AccessList = pwd all
PasswordFile = basic:/etc/hiawatha/passwords

Directory {
Path = /var/www/hiawatha/forum
ExecuteCGI = yes
TimeForCGI = 30

Directory {
Path = /var/www/hiawatha/blog
ExecuteCGI = yes
TimeForCGI = 30
Hugo Leisink
23 November 2011, 09:57
What does the error logfile say?
23 November 2011, 11:18
this are my last 2 entries:

Wed 23 Nov 2011 02:03:07 +0000||/var/www/hiawatha/blog/index.php|access denied via filesystem
Wed 23 Nov 2011 02:05:23 +0000||/var/www/hiawatha/forum/index.php|access denied via filesystem
Hugo Leisink
23 November 2011, 13:45
There you have it. The webserver is apparently not able to read the PHP files. Try 'chmod 644 index.php'. Make sure the webserver is able to access the directory where index.php is located. Do a 'chmod 755' on /var/www/hiawatha and /var/www/hiawatha/blog.

Most important thing because you are new to Linux: before you do so, make sure you understand what chmod does!!
23 November 2011, 14:06
I think i understand chmod and what it does.

The thing is, since i set up my crux system i work with WinSCP and PuTTY to do all the work faster.
When i view the chmod settings every folder and file you mentioned is set up correctly, thats why i don't understand the error and where i'm missing something

what is the php-cgi or php-fcgi? do i need this to run a php site or do i get these error because i don't run it?
Hugo Leisink
23 November 2011, 17:29
Well, if they were set correctly, Hiawatha wouldn't give you the 'access denied via filesystem' error.

php-cgi is the PHP interpreter that Hiawatha uses to execute PHP scripts. Specifying it via CGIhandler is enough to run PHP scripts via Hiawatha.

php-fcgi is a tool that comes with Hiawatha to start PHP in FastCGI mode. If you don't know what FastCGI is or how to use php-fcgi, read the FastCGI section in the CGI and FastCGI HOWTO page.
23 November 2011, 18:08
would it help you if post you a screenshot of my permissions of files and folders?

i checked the permissions more than once, so it must be something else i think, is my hiawatha config good so far?
23 November 2011, 20:15
Here's a screenshot of my chmod settings:

Screenshot []

Hugo Leisink
23 November 2011, 20:23
How about the other directories?
23 November 2011, 20:54
i chmod 755 them

just like you said, but i think when i upload them via WinSCP they are automaticly set to 755 and 644
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