
hiawatha and owncloud webdav

1 April 2012, 10:02

recently i migrated my small personal webserver to hiawatha and it feels really good. so first of all i like to express my thanks for hiawatha.
Everythings works fine exept webdav access for owncloud and I have no idea how to fix it.

What i did so far:
Checked website and the interwebs but didnt find any information on my specific problem i understand. Consulted the owncloud mailingslist, on which i was told that missing serverside webdav support is no problem, since owncloud ships with a webdav implementation (exactly because of independence from webserver). On the owncloud website ( it is documented how to set up clients, i tested with a gentoo/KDE SC system via the dolphin filebrowser and a Windows 7 system, but the connection attempts only time out without any meaningful error codes. Then i checked the hiawatha access and error logfiles, but only the Windows connection was reckognized:
"ip.address|date:time|200|155||OPTIONS / HTTP/1.1|Connection: keep-alive|User-Agent: Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/6.1.7600|translate: f|Host:"

Hiawatha version: 0.8.1
Operating System: Debian 6.0.4
Owncloud version: 3

I am happy to supply any needed information. Any pointers to what I could check, test or have to learn are very welcome.

thanks a lot
11 April 2012, 20:13
Hello Hugo,

du you have any suggestions what I could test / configure / read to understand the problem?

thanks a lot for your help.
Hugo Leisink
12 April 2012, 12:11
Sorry for the late response, forgot this one.

I don't see how a web application can have WebDAV support since it is something a webserver should support. Can you tell me where I can find the ownCloud mailinglist discussion?
12 April 2012, 14:01
thank you very much for the reply.
you can find the discussion at:

Hugo Leisink
16 April 2012, 09:07
I've sent the ownCloud developer an e-mail to found it what ownCloud requires from a webserver. I like this ownCloud and really like to see it running on Hiawatha.
17 April 2012, 08:41
that sounds promising. thank you very much.
especially since there is an offline client available, I cant wait to include it in my productive setup.
Hugo Leisink
17 April 2012, 19:54
It looks like I've got it all working. Download the beta of Hiawatha 8.2 here []. Compile and install as usual. This version has a new option for WebDAV applications like ownCloud.
VirtualHost {
WebDAVapp = yes

Last step is a bugfix in the ownCloud code. Open 3rdparty/Sabre/HTTP/Response.php and change line 93 to
return header("Status: ".$this->getStatusMessage($code));

With this, I was able to open my files in ownCloud via WebDAV on my Mac laptop.
Hugo Leisink
18 April 2012, 10:35
I've updated the 8.2 beta package. It has write and delete capabilities now. I've tested it with CyberDuck [].
18 April 2012, 12:48
testing in progress...
btw: the make_debian_package depends on a cmake version which is only available through squeeze-backports repo
Hugo Leisink
18 April 2012, 12:49
You can download and install the latest version from
18 April 2012, 13:27
With the updated beta i can access owncloud via Dolphin.

Need to test with Windows, the sync-client mirall and other device later.
18 April 2012, 16:05
some updates:
webdav and webdavs works with gnu/linux. Surprisingly also with Symbian v.9.3 S60 3rd Edition FP2 something which one could find on older Nokia Business phones like E72 (though webdavs is mandatory on these devices).
I couldnt get webdav working on Windows 7, however, there might be a chance i screwed that up myself (i somewhat errr... customized the installation).
Unfortunatly also the mirall offline snyc client doesnt work. Neither with Fedora nor Windows 7. It connects and can create sync-directories, but fails at syncing. At least on Fedora mirall complains about System Time of the machines involved differs to much. I have set both to the same time zone. (Beside, i was able to sync under Windows and with mirall on the Apache implementation.)
18 April 2012, 17:37
...stupid me: after restarting hiawatha, the system time error went away.
18 April 2012, 20:47
i encountered another problem with uploading files. i cant upload files bigger than 64kb neither webdav nor browser upload. i have checked the php.ini, but this is set to greater values. usually owncloud handles the upload file size via .htaccess.
Hugo Leisink
18 April 2012, 22:35
Try the MaxRequestSize setting.
19 April 2012, 08:54
thanks, MaxRequestSize solved the upload issue (should check the documentation more often .

I did some more testing and indeed, the mirall client ( doesnt work on hiawatha. There are no entries in the hiawatha error log, but a few entries in the access.log.
Hugo Leisink
19 April 2012, 09:04
Oke, will look into it.
23 April 2012, 15:38
I'm stunned to find a ownCloud / hiawatha Post on here :-) makes me really happy.
Hugo, i love the work you do with hiawatha! It's a great webserver.

rieper, could you please test if downloading files from your owncloud installation works?
I'm having trouble with this.

i uploaded a 80mb .zip file to my owncloud installation. that worked fine. but if i'm trying to download it via the download butten (say /download.php?, it stops after something between 9MB and 21MB. I tried several configurations for hiawatha and php-fcgi but nothing fixes the problem :-/
Hugo Leisink
24 April 2012, 10:00
The donwload probably stops because it probably takes longer to download the file than the amount of runtime is given to the download.php script. Increase the value of TimeForCGI and try again.
24 April 2012, 12:07
No, doesn't work either. Funny thing is, this problem seens time independent. It doesn't matter if I'm on a 5Mbit/s or 50Mbit/s connection. It stops between 9 and 21MB every time.
I just noticed, I'm getting a lot of "aborted connection to db" errors from MariaDB (Mysql) in the syslog. seems the PHP Scripts are somehow killed, the download doesn't finish and the mysql connection is aborted.
Hugo Leisink
24 April 2012, 14:28
An incorrect PHP setting perhaps?
25 April 2012, 01:31
Ah, Found it.
There was a TimeforCGI Directive in my vhost configs that was set to 15. That killed the PHP Download scripts every time.
Problem now is, a Download takes a certain time depending on how big the file and how fast the connection is. I don't want to kill the php script before it is finished. Any idea on how i can set it to allways wait to do it's job?
i tried

TimeForCGI = 60
WaitforCGI = yes
KillTimedoutCGI = no

but that didn't help.
Hugo Leisink
25 April 2012, 08:39
Simply set TimeForCGI to a very high value:
TimeForCGI = 86400
25 April 2012, 10:58
ah i feared that would impact the performance to much. but heh, it's a big host.
Thank you very much for your help!
Again, i should allways look in all config files in case the vhost config overwrites the hiawatha.conf ;-) stupid me
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