

16 April 2012, 12:35
Support for modules so that other developers can add new features for the Hiawatha Web Server. Atm Hiawatha is a one man project.

Hiawatha version: current
Operating System: all
Hugo Leisink
17 April 2012, 07:54
There isn't much interest in this project and adding support for third party modules isn't going to change that.
17 April 2012, 12:16

Well that't too bad, when you don't start with it then it will never happen. Many requests in the past are rejected because you don't have the time/sense to implement it or the design does not allow to do it. When you die this project will end and that would be a sad story. A lot of companies won't use Hiawatha because it is a one man project and that is too risky. In my opinion the Hiawatha Project should be exist with a team of core of developers with you as head developer then Hiawatha could grow out as a larger project with rich of new features made by you and other developers. Users can then decide which modules to compile and to use. Hiawatha can then exist with a list core modules (secure) and third party modules (which are probably less secure) to choose from.
Hugo Leisink
17 April 2012, 14:04
Many requests in the past are rejected because you don't have the time/sense to implement it or the design does not allow to do it.

I don't recall any moment in the past where a developer offered to help develop Hiawatha.

When you die this project will end and that would be a sad story.

Not really. Because not many people use it. Max 100.

A lot of companies won't use Hiawatha because it is a one man project...

Not true. Most companies won't use it because they use Windows, and therefor IIS. The companies who use Apache, use Apache because it's all they (= their IT staff) know.

In my opinion the Hiawatha Project should be exist with a team of core of developers with you as head developer...

Agree. You give me a team of core developers?

Believe me. I've done all I can to make Hiawatha more known. But most people won't move away from Apache, because they don't want to or they can't, because the ugly applications they run are made for Apache and Apache only. There are a LOT of crappy applications out there that follow the Apache-standard, not the official web standards. The world simply doesn't need another webserver.
17 April 2012, 15:22
> Agree. You give me a team of core developers?

Hugo, you have sense of humor!
Rodney Hester
17 April 2012, 18:43
In fairness, I think Hiawatha has a lot more outreach than you think - it is quickly becoming the weapon of choice in the embedded space.

That having been said, I am dead-set *against* external modules for exactly that reason...its niche seems to be on embedded devices (where it does very well!), and increasing complexity for no good reason will actually shrink the userbase even further.

It's very, very good as is! Don't mess with success! =)

Hugo Leisink
17 April 2012, 18:51
My biggest problem is that I have no idea how many or who uses Hiawatha. Why do you think that Hiawatha is 'the weapon of choice' in the embedded space?
17 April 2012, 20:46
In the first place i don't want to be negative about the project you did a very good job so far and admire you for what you have done so far. Second i encourage you to go on as long as possible and hope that there will be more developers to support you. Third what i would like is support for wsgi so that i can use it too.
Rodney Hester
28 April 2012, 01:05
Mostly from talking with people that work with it every day. OpenWRT, DD-WRT and Tomato are all huge proponents of it. I'm pushing hard to try to get it chosen as the default web server on the new "Linux-on-a-stick" USB device. Users of small, fast distributions on lower-powered commodity hardware (think ArchLinux and DSL) have embraced it.

I'm reasonably certain Google has crawler statistics available on this...let me poke around a bit and see if I can actually produce some hard numbers. If you lose interest personally, nobody will (or should!) challenge that...but if it's out of perceived lack of interest from others, don't be fooled by silence! It means it *works*! =)

1 May 2012, 08:23

I love your projects. I use Hiawatha and teach other to use Hiawatha. I leave your banners on my blogs in order to promote Hiawatha.

However, one of the BAD thing that I did is - I teach all my users to impersonate Hiawatha be an Apache. Proof? See here! [] Therefore, the search engines or bots will not count this server. I love this feature very much. Please DO NOT take it away!!!!!!

I would like to pentest Hiawatha when I have time in order to help you to harden the product. It is the product that design with security in mind.

Hugo, thanks for your hard work!!!!

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