
URLToolkit for gpEasy CMS

Zoltan Toth
23 April 2012, 11:19
gpEasy is a nice, lightweight CMS which does not use mySQL (flatfile type). I just moved from shared hosting to VPS, earlier I had this CMS with the provided Apache. As my VPS has limited resources and because I have read positive reviews on Hiawatha I decided to give it a try. I tested with Concrete5 and mySQL and it runs smoothly (thanks to the URLTollkit for it). Though it would be an overkill for my purposes (and also it would make transferring content a rather long story).
That's why I would be very happy if someone could share a working URLTollkit for gpEasy. Thanks in advance.
@Hugo: thanks for this wonderful webserver!

Hiawatha version: 8.1
Operating System: Debian Squeeze
Hugo Leisink
23 April 2012, 11:58
Try this one and please let me know if it works.
  Match \.(bmp|css|gif|ico|jpg|jpeg|js|png|shtml|zip)$ Return 
RequestURI exists Return
Match .* Rewrite /index.php
Zoltan Toth
23 April 2012, 13:20
thanks for the really quick and useful reply.
Your suggestion works! Only 'EnablePathInfo = yes' was needed in addition.

Permalinks (hiding index.php in the toolbar) in administration mode don't work(actually it is admin mode that does not work then; otherwise for visitors it is okay) not even with the workaround by the gpEasy creator.

But when hiding is off everything is fine! Thank you very much indeed! Having index.php there is mostly an esthetic issue, one can live with that (though it's best without).

FYI: the suggested workaround is the following (rendering admin mode hardly usable):
Permalink Settings

These settings will only work if your server has mod_rewrite enabled.

If you have enabled index.php hiding and you're still seeing index.php, you may need to set gp_indexphp to false in your gpconfig.php file.
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