
Possible memory leak?

4 May 2012, 00:51
Hiawatha version: 7.6 with OpenSSL 1.0.0e
Operating System: Linux

Hi Hugo,
I noticed that Hiawatha memory usage jumped from 8K to 72megs in 14 hours.
The SSL is enabled and we are using OpenSSL 1.0.0e.
Is this some thing you have noticed in past or any clues on what I could check?
Any help is appreciated.

4 May 2012, 01:37
More background info.
Our client do a lot of "posts" hiawatha, which in turns uses a fcgi application to serve the client
Hugo Leisink
4 May 2012, 06:57
Please, run an unstripped binary in valgrind and send me the output. More info here.

Can you also show me your configuration file? I'd like to see what features you are using.
Hugo Leisink
4 May 2012, 09:07
Hmmm, I didn't read your post well. I see that you are using 7.6, which does indeed has a memory leak. Upgrade to the latest version and let me know if the problem still exists.
4 May 2012, 17:29
Thank you Hugo,
I wish I could update to the latest Hiawatha.
In our setup, we run Hiawatha in a embedded linux system with very limited resources.
Using polarSSL will cost us expensive system resources.
As openSSL is used by other packages, we cannot throw it away easily.

Will it possible for you to provide a patch to fix known memory leaks?
That would be very great help!
Otherwise please give me some pointers on issue.
I can give a shot to patch myself.

With great appreciation for your support & help.
Thanks & Regards
Hugo Leisink
4 May 2012, 17:39
In that case, upgrade to 7.8.2. In that version, the memory leak was fixed.
5 May 2012, 01:11
Thanks Hugo

Where can I download older versions ?
Hugo Leisink
5 May 2012, 01:33
You can find them here [].
8 May 2012, 18:49
Hi Hugo,

I tested the 7.8,2, both with & without cache.
Both tests were done with peer verification SSL enabled.
I am still experiencing memory leak.
I am planning to test with SSL disabled.


Hugo Leisink
8 May 2012, 22:46
Please, show me your configuration file. I'd like to see what features you are using.
9 May 2012, 00:55
9 May 2012, 04:50
When i started using non ssl connection there is no memory leak observed
Hugo Leisink
9 May 2012, 07:34
What version of OpenSSL are you using?
9 May 2012, 08:11
Hugo Leisink
9 May 2012, 09:16
I've tested 7.8.2 with OpenSSL 0.9.8g myself on my machine. I can't find any memory leak whatsoever. My guess is that 1.0.0.e somehow leaks memory.

The reason I moved away from OpenSSL is because of it's ugly ugly horrible code and incomplete documentation. My advice is to switch to the latest version of Hiawatha, which comes with PolarSSL. PolarSSL is in everything the opposite of OpenSSL: well structured and clean code, easy to use and good documentation with lots of examples.

When I tested Hiawatha+OpenSSL with valgrind, it gave me LOTS of error messages which could be tracked down to the OpenSSL library. And when I say a LOT, I actuallly mean a CRAP LOAD. With PolarSSL: nothing. If you care just a little bit about security: stay away from OpenSSL.
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