
Configuring Virtual Hosts with DynDNS

20 February 2013, 19:19
Noob here... I want to server several domains... the first being

Installed webserverpuppy 1 with hiawatha... working very nice...

Hiawatha version: 7?

Operating System: Puppy 4.1.2

ok, I have a dyndns address that points to my server/router... is my domain name and I have it masked to my dyndns domain which points to my dynamic IP.

I have never worked with virtual hosts before.... Not sure what I should put in hiawatha.comp
20 February 2013, 20:27
BTW... its httpd.conf

Was trying to post what I have in conf but thread sees it as spam
Hugo Leisink
21 February 2013, 00:34
Have you read the HOWTO pages? It's all there.
21 February 2013, 01:39
I did... want to post the httpd.conf but the forum won't let me for some reason... Also, nothing in the howto about using dundns...
Hugo Leisink
21 February 2013, 16:26
What has Hiawatha got to do with DynDNS? Just use your DynDNS hostname in the hiawatha.conf.
VirtualHost {
Hostname =
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