
28 February 2011, 12:10

There is some confusion about a previous poll on this website. In that poll, I stated that 'due to lack of substantial interest in this project, I'm thinking about closing this website.' I want to make clear that I'm considering to close / slim down this website, not the project. I use Hiawatha myself, so I'm not thinking about discontinuing it.

The reason for my consideration is that after more than eight years of developing Hiawatha, it's more than clear to me that there is no desire for a different webserver. And that's perfectly fine with me. I was just wondering if it's worth the effort of keeping a website online for only a handful of users. You have to understand that it requires some effort and time to keep the forum spam-free.

Anyway, I haven't decided anything yet. I will make a decision based on the results of the poll and the feedback I receive.