
22 August 2014, 09:03

Version 9.7 of the Hiawatha webserver has been released. With this new version, you are allowed to use the UseToolkit opion in a .hiawatha file at the root of your website. In an UrlToolkit rule, you can now check for the used request method. The default value of DHsize has been increased to 2048 and the PolarSSL library has been updated to 1.3.8. For other changes, please read the changelog.

For the next release, I will take a look at supporting websockets. Since I'm not familiar with websockets, I could use some help with that. If you are a websocket expert, please read this forum topic.

22 August 2014, 10:05
Thanks for update, just edit your blog post version it's not 9.6 .
22 August 2014, 10:06
Thanks Hugo. I believe you should be using "9.7" instead of "9.6" on the first line
Hugo Leisink
22 August 2014, 10:17
Chris Wadge
22 August 2014, 11:04
Hey there, new Debian builds are up: http://files.tuxhelp.org/hiawatha/

apt.sparkz.no should be synced shortly.

Thanks for the new release, Hugo.
J. Lambrecht
22 August 2014, 11:26
Thanks again for this great software Hugo

Not looking to throw any sand into the picknick but have PolarSSL been validated against http://www.cs.tau.ac.il/~tromer/handsoff/
Hugo Leisink
22 August 2014, 12:13
Don't know. You better ask the PolarSSL developer.
22 August 2014, 13:40
All works fine, thank you Hugo.

@J. Lambrecht,
tell us, what is the result of your investigation?
But one is sure, when anybody has physically access to your host, you have more than one problem.^^
Chris Wadge
22 August 2014, 18:42
@J. Lambrecht, I was going to say the same as @Heiko. We used to say years ago, "physical access is root access" -- it's just a matter of time. It seems to me this particular attack would be much more effective against the client, in any case since, your typical server is locked up somewhere secure, like an IDC, and typical shares the power buss with a bunch of other servers. Too hard to pinpoint from outside the facility. If you target the user, it'd be more useful to evaluate the user's end of the tunnel, since many browser uses many different methods to provide TLS.
J. Lambrecht
9 September 2014, 16:52
I cannot comment by other than saying physical access does not mean root access in a DC, unless one can execute a handsoff attack. Even then so, variables apply. I'm quite confident this type of attack could most likely be engineered to work remotely as well, though a line-of-sight would most likely be necessary.
Chris Wadge
10 September 2014, 12:57
I did mention that this shouldn't be true in an IDC (Internet Datacenter):
... It seems to me this particular attack would be much more effective against the client, in any case since, your typical server is locked up somewhere secure, like an IDC, and typical shares the power buss with a bunch of other servers. Too hard to pinpoint from outside the facility. ...

But if you can get physical access, there's a good chance you can get more privileges than the admin intended. What I was trying to say is that there are easier ways to gather sensitive information than a physical side-band attack.