From time to time, I receive an e-mail from somebody who claims that the Hiawatha webserver has been installed on his computer and that he wants to get rid of it. Yesterday, I got another one.
"In attempting to reach I instead got a message that this software was installed on my Window7 computer. I have no need for it. How do I remove it?"
I replied with "Are you kidding me? If not, please turn off your computer. The internet is not for you." In a second e-mail, he asked me whether shutting down his computer will remove the Hiawatha webserver software...
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1. Hugo , is this guy a student on a University ?
2. He still didn't uninstall it from his computer
I am using ubnutu os.
It install perfectly fine. But after that when I go there to run my php and html file; it does not work or show.
Even I use other ownership method, which work very well with lampp.
So, I can't able to use your server.
My advice is please make it more easy and user friendly for developer who are still new and lack of time due to development works.
I ditch it currently but might be use for my future server purpose.
Also, please put default manual in it for php and sql; also using method.